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3 Questions All Tobacco Experts Should Be Able To Answer

The Internet (and Google) is great sources for any questions you might have on a variety of subjects. It might help you discover a tobacco shop nearest to your location or answer basic questions a new smoker might have. But asking your questions to a tobacco expert can reveal much more about a tobacco shop than one might realize.

Before committing to a particular shop over another, new shoppers will want to make sure they’re buying from a professional, knowledgeable source. The next time you walk into a tobacco shop, consider asking these three questions that all tobacco experts should be able to answer.

What Cigar Is Right For Me?

For being a question with no definitive answer, tobacco experts should be able to make personalized recommendations based on certain traits. Each smoker has a unique and individual palette, making recommendations challenging. However, that’s exactly why an expert should be able to help - they understand the intricacies of different cigars and how much an individual smoker might like them. While there’s no exact science to cigar recommendations, it’s an art that experts can properly practice with just about any smoker. As an added bonus, they’ll be able to offer unique cigars that you might not otherwise consider. They have extensive experience and know unique offerings that will taste perfect.

How Do Regional Differences Affect Tobacco?

Tobacco is grown all over the world and varying climates have different effects on the tobacco growth and characteristics. These regional differences can affect a tobacco leaf’s durability and aroma, even altering the flavor profiles depending on where you tobacco was grown. A tobacco expert should be able to easily explain the differences between regional tobaccos and can help find the appropriate flavor profile for any smoker. Further, they should understand the various methods used to cultivate the tobacco and how it affects the plant. Quite a bit of work goes into the entire process, and understanding the culture that influences it allows them to provide genuinely insightful feedback when you’re considering what to buy next.

What Will Pair With This Tobacco?

Cigar and pipe tobacco pairings are quickly gaining popularity as more and more people embrace wine, beer, and whiskey culture. Some truly incredible combinations of flavor can be created, but figuring them out can be tricky. A great tobacco expert can offer pairing suggestions to make your next smoking experience that much more fulfilling. Even better, they can provide advice for unusual pairings that might not be common knowledge. They have a strong palette and understanding of what flavors work well together, making them qualified to answer any questions on food and drink pairings.