How it’s made
Regardless of what type of tobacco you’re interested in, it’s always best to understand how it’s made. This will give you better insight as to what actually goes into the tobacco, and might also help you make a more knowledgeable decision about what you like. Flake tobacco is made by pressing the tobacco under intense pressure, which allows it to form into a cube. The cube is then sliced into strips called flakes, hence the name. One reason flake tobaccos are left in slices is due to fact that the strips ultimately retain freshness longer. And who doesn’t want fresh tobacco?
Before you smoke, you must prepare
When it comes to smoking the tobacco, there are variety of ways to do it. Each technique offers something completely different for the smoker. However, before you can smoke you must prepare.
- Rub Method - Using the palm of your hands, rub out the Flake so the tobacco slowly breaks apart. Depending upon how you big or small you want your pieces to be, you can completely rub the entirely flake out or you can go for a lighter approach. You can then load the tobacco into the pipe, and smoke happy!
- Fold Method - Grab a Flake of tobacco and fold it against the grain, right down the middle. Repeat this fold, only this time fold it with the grain. In front of you will should be a square shaped piece of tobacco. Put the entire thing inside the pipe and gently push down with your fingers. Warning! There may be excess tobacco. Trim accordingly and your pipe is ready to go.
- Roll Method - Lay your flake down on a flat surface, and roll lengthwise, with the grain. Once again, place your rolled tobacco into the pipe and gently push down with your fingers. Helpful tip: there should be some space between the tobacco and the rim. If it’s sticking out trim some of it off and insert the tobacco back inside.